About Library
Library of Symbiosis School of Culinary Arts came into existence with the SSCANS new campus bldg. in 2020. The library occupies a place of pride in SSCANS and plays a very vital role in the provision of learning resources for academics and research. It is the most lively place on the campus providing a comfortable and friendly environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge and promotes discovery and scholarship. The library is well equipped with the latest information technology tools for information collection, processing, and retrieval. The collection of books, journals, e-journals, reports, and other reading resources are adequate for not only domain-specific resources but for also general resources. Books and other resources are regularly augmented and online access to all premier journals as well as full-text & bibliographic databases available in the field of science, technology, and allied subjects are provided to faculty, staff and students. The library uses KOHA, the web-centric library management software. It offers a range of services including reference and consultation, membership, circulation, document delivery, resource sharing, information alert, and bibliographic and digital library services to the library members. The Library is manned by a well-qualified person.
Sr. No. | Name of the Collection | Number of the Collection |
1 | Books | 947 |
2 | Journals | |
3 | Magazine | 16 |
4 | Newspaper | 04 |
Sr. No. | Name of the Collection | Number of the Collection as on May 2020 |
1 | Online Database | 20 |
2 | E-Books | 2,32,488 |
3 | E-Journals | 45,128 |
Sr. No. | E-database | Discipline |
1 | Sage Research Method (SRM Core) | Research tool |
2 | Videeya | e-books |
3 | Grammarly | Grammar and language correction tool |
4 | Nature Journal | Journals |
5 | Elsevier: Science direct - Management | Management |
7 | DELNET | Multidisciplinary |
8 | Question Pro | Research tool |
9 | Money life online Magazine subscription | Magazine |
10 | McGraw Hill Education India eBooks | e-Books |
11 | NDL | World e-Book Library (access through NDL portal) NDL |
12 | Sage Online collection | Journal |
13 | Pearson e-books | E‐books |
14 |
EndNote |
Research tool |
15 | Turnitin | Research tool |
16 | Scopus | Multidisciplinary/ Index‐Abstract DB |
17 | Jstor | Humanities & Social Science |
18 | Frost & Sullivan | Management/ Marketing/ Telecom |
29 | Web of Science | Multidisciplinary/ Index‐Abstract DB |
20 | Emerald Management E-Journal | Management |
21 | EBSCO | Multidisciplinary |
Circulation Section | Stacks books that can be issued to the students and staff. |
Reference Section | The Library maintains a separate reference collection consisting of encyclopaedia’s, dictionaries, handbooks, etc. |
Digital Section | Equipped with 4 PC’s PCs’ latest software to access the e-resources and database. |
Reading Hall | Spacious and well-lit reading hall with 64 seating capacity. The reading space has been provided where students are allowed to carry their personal books however they are not allowed with their personal books into the main reading area of the library. |
Monday to Friday | 08.30 am to 04.30 pm |
Saturday | 08.30 am to 04.30 pm |
Issue – Return | 08.30 am to 04.30 pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Festivals /Holidays | Closed |
During Examinations | 08.30 am to 04.30 pm (Monday to Saturday) |
During Vacation | 08.30 am to 04.30 pm (Monday to Saturday) |
- Consumption of food is not permitted in the Library.
- Maximum of 6 books will be issued to students for 30 days at once and for faculty 08 books for 6 months.
- Renewal of the books is mandatory for students on or before due date. Failure to renew / return of the books will imply a fine of Rs. 5 per day.
- No materials like bags, umbrellas, jackets / parcel, mobile phones etc. are allowed in the Library. Adequate storage facility has been provided at the entrance to the Library for these materials. However, files and books may be brought into the library only up to the outer reading area.
- On leaving the Library, users are required to show books and other items being taken out of the Library.
- Silence has to be observed in the library.
- Students must be decently dressed and conduct themselves properly in the library.
- The library staffs on duty have the right to request a user to leave the Library premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the library rules.
- The Library will not accept any responsibility for the loss or misplacement of personal belongings.
- National Digital Library of India, New Delhi :https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
- Library will register our student in National Digital Library (NDL). It provides a single-window search facility to access digital contents currently existing in India as well as other digital sources under a single umbrella.
- DELNET ::http://delnet.in/
- DELNET was started at the India International Centre Library in January 1988 and was registered as a society in 1992. It was initially supported by the National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. It was subsequently supported by the National Informatics Centre, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.
- Current Awareness Service: Information about seminars, workshops, newspaper clippings, articles on various subjects, is made available to users by library.
- New Arrival Alert: Library displays the latest books acquired in the library, for a week, on the display board.
- Net based services:All the notices and information is given through the group mail service of the institute. With the Wi-Fi connectivity in the library, students can easily download required documents.
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) link:Library members can search the library materials online with availability of reissue for his/her borrowed book.
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) link:Library is preparing collection on various subjects like aptitude test, autobiographies, general Knowledge etc. which will help the student to improve their personality.
- Inter Library Loan (ILL):Inter library loan service is provided to Faculty members and students of Symbiosis Institutes located at various places.
- Inter Library Loan (ILL):List of available resources in library is there on OPAC under ‘List’ option. Readers can use this to access the resources.
Category | Borrowing Facility | ||
Books | Periodicals | Days | |
Students | 2 | 1 | 10 Days |
Full Time Faculty | 4 | 1 | 3 Months |
Other Symbiosis Faculty | 1 | 1 | 1 Month |
- The normal loan period for books is 30 days. Students can get 6 books issued at a time for 30 days. Furthermore, one time re-issue facility is also available.
- Borrowers have to produce their library cards while borrowing library books.
- No books or library materials may be taken out of the Library until the loan has been recorded. Unauthorized removal of library materials is an offence.
- Current issues of journals/magazines can be used for overnight.
- Readers can borrow back issues of periodical or bound volume.
- Reference books/materials are to be used only in the Library. Audio-visual resources are to be used only in the Library or computer lab.
- Overdue books: Books must be returned by the due date or earlier, if recalled by the Librarian. Failure to return a book by the date specified will be treated as an offence.
- Fine imposed on borrowers for late return of books is Rs.5/-per day per book.
- Loss or damage of books: Students should check the books before issuing them. At the time of return if the books are torn or pages are missing, the borrower will have to make up for the damage. A borrower is allowed to either replace the lost or damaged book or has to pay twice the market price of the book. All books replaced in this manner must be of the latest edition.
Web OPAC link: http://symbiosis-koha.informindia.co.in/
Web OPAC is an Online public Access Catalogue which allows library users to avail the services of the library using the Internet library member access of Web OPAC where he/she can check his/her circulation history, recommend new book titles to the library, create their own reading list of favourite books etc.
Library members can get access to all e-resources on the library portal. To access these e-resources you should have the login credentials for it. Every year newly admitted students’ registration is done according to their course duration by the librarian. Once the registration is completed members get access of all e-resources.
Link to Access All Subscribed E-resources: https://siu.edu.in/library/
- Scopus
- Web of Science
- End Note
- Research Tool: Question Pro
- Research Tool: Turnitin
- Sage Research Methods (SRM Core)
- Pearson e-books
- Jstor
- Elsevier: Science direct – Management
- Emerald Management E-Journal
- Frost & Sullivan
- Videeya
- E Research
- McGraw Hill Education India eBooks
- South Asia Archive
- Sage Online Collection
- World e Book Library
- Money Life Online Magazine Subscription
- ELSEVIER (Science direct)
The Library Advisory Committee of Symbiosis School of Culinary Arts has been reconstituted as under
Sr. | Name | Representative | PoSSCAion |
1 | Dr.Atul Gokhale | Director | Chairman |
2 | Ms Reshma Rege | Asst Professor and Faculty in-charge Admin | Member |
3 | Chef Rizwan Yargatti | Chef Instructor Faculty | Member |
4 | Chef Bhushan Ingle | Chef Instructor Faculty | Member |
5 | Chef Sumit Daryanani | Culinary Instructor Faculty | Member |
6 | Ms Sonali Nerkar | Asst Professor | Member |
7 | Mr Vishwanth Revankar | Asst Professor | Member |
8 | Chef Shamal More | Chef Instructor Faculty | Member |
9 | Ms Mohini Sharma | Admin officer | Member |
10 | Students representative | Member | |
11 | Students representative | Member | |
12 | Hema Patil | Library In-Charge | Member Secretary |
Library Staff
Name of the staff | Date of joining | Designation | Qualification | Image (photo) |
Mrs. Hema S. Patil | 12 August,2013 | Library Incharge | B.A., M.L.I.Sc. |
![]() |

Contact us
Useful Links
Click here : https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/
To establish INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network a computer communication network for linking libraries and information centres in univerSSCAies, deemed to be univerSSCAies, colleges, UGC information centres, institutions of national importance and R & D institutions, etc. avoiding duplication of efforts. Build and strengthen ICT infrastructure in educational institutions with value-added services.
Click here : https://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in/
To establish INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network a computer communication network for linking libraries and information centres in univerSSCAies, deemed to be univerSSCAies, colleges, UGC information centres, institutions of national importance and R & D institutions, etc. avoiding duplication of efforts. Build and strengthen ICT infrastructure in educational institutions with value-added services.
Click here : https://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in/
"Shodhganga" is the name coined to denote digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET is set-up using an open source digital repository software called DSpace developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in partnership between Hewlett- Packard (HP). The DSpace uses internationally recognized protocols and interoperability standards. Shodhganga provides a platform for research scholars to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers.
Click here : http://www.southasiaarchive.com/unauthenticated
The South Asia Archive provides an extensive resource for students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences.
Click here : https://swayam.gov.in/
SWAYAM is a program initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. This is done through an indigenous developed IT platform that facilitates hosting of all the courses, taught in classrooms from 9th class till post-graduation to be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time.
Patents and Standards
Click here : https://www.wipo.int/reference/en/
Intellectual Property Resource Reference Centre provides access to various intellectual property data collections currently hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Access to the Digital Library is available to the general public free-of-charge.
Click here : https://www.freepatentsonline.com/
Free Patents Online is a search engine, which helps in searching patents.
Click here : http://www.indiapatents.org.in/db/db.htm
Indian Patent Database provides free online access to Ekaswa A & Ekaswa B databases. Gives information regarding patent applications filed in India as published in the issues of the Gazette of India (Part III, Section 2) from January 1995 onwards.
Click here : https://www.ntis.gov/
National Technical Information Service Reports [NTISR] are available online with effect from 1990 to till date. Search facility is available to find out the reports in your subject areas of interest. Downloading of any document in electronic format is possible.
Open Access Directory
Click here : https://doaj.org/
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ is independent. All funding is via donations, 40% of which comes from sponsors and 60% from members and publisher members. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available. DOAJ operates an education and outreach program across the globe, focusing on improving the quality of applications submitted.
Click here : https://www.doabooks.org/
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books.
Click here : https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/opendoar/
Open DOAR has opted to collect and provide information solely on SSCAes that wholly embrace the concept of open access to full text resources that are of use to academic researchers, where any form of access control prevents immediate access,ediate access are not inclu,ded: likewise SSCAes that consist of metadata records only are also declined.
click hereBookboon.com
Click here : https://archive.org/
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Students, Faculty, Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Faculty and Staff of SSCA can access the SSCA library services. Also other institute’s users of Symbiosis can refer the books of SSCA Library in the Library Premises only. Identity card is mandatory to enter SSCA Library.
Outside users who belong with other colleges apart from Symbiosis are allowed to refer the books inside the library premises. These users are requested to bring an official letter duly sign by their Librarian/Head of the Department/Guide/Principal and identity card of their college is mandatory to avail SSCA services.
You can carry own books to the library by making necessary entries in daily log register.
Following are the details of books to each category of member
Sr. No | Category of Member | No of Books | Period |
1 | Director | 10 | 6 Months |
2 | HOD | 08 | 6 Months |
3 | Faculty | 4 | 3 Months |
4 | Staff | 2 | 2 Months |
5 | Student | 2 | 10 Days |
Following are the details of books to each category of member
Days | Library | Reading Hall | Issue-Return |
Monday to Friday | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm | 9.30 am to 4.00 pm |
Saturday | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm | 9.30 am to 4.00 pm |
Over dues, as laid down hereunder, shall be charged from the students if they fail to return the book(s) on or before the deadline as indicated on the Due-Date-Slip in the book
Rs.5.00 per book per day shall be charged
First, you should immediately report to the circulation desk at the library. In case a book/magazine/Journal is lost; the borrower has to replace the same with the latest Edition/Version of the material. If the copy is out of print, then the user has to pay the cost of the material along with the overdue amount of fine within 15 days from the reporting. Please download the form from the webSSCAe and submit it duly filled to the Assistant Library In-charge.
“Suggestion Box” is placed at the entrance of the library where you can drop in your valuable suggestion(s). You can also email the suggestions at library@ssca.edu.in
Students can give their recommendations through the Web OPAC. Login with your PRN fill the form and submit it
As it is mentioned on the website under the E-Resources. You can access these databases through the login credentials of SIU Central library Gateway Portal which is been issued to all the registered students of SSCA. Those who don’t know the credentials can contact to the library. Only Symbiosis students and faculty can access these databases through their own login credentials.