B.SC. (Hospitality & Culinary Management)
How to Apply

Admission Schedule
Admission to 3 Years B.Sc. (Hospitality and Culinary Management) for the Academic Year 2024-25 is through an Eligibility Assessment Test and Personal Interview. Rigorous process is followed for selection of suitable candidates to join this programme.
Please note that this year the entire process will be conducted in an online virtual mode.
All registered candidates have to ensure appropriate availability of the bandwidth for the conduct of the selection process.
- Each candidate will have to appear for a Proctored & Timed Test on the selected dates.
- The candidates will thereafter undergo Personal Interview with the selection panel.
- The Merit List will be announced in 7 days from the selection process.
- Merit listed candidates have to pay the fees as per the Annexure 1 sent with Provisional Admission Letter to confirm admission and reserve your seat. Refund rules will be as per SIU guidelines Click here
- * Students not paying the fees and confirming admission by due date will be moved to waiting list.
Eligibility Criteria
For CBSE, HSC, ISC, Cambridge, NIOS, and Respective State Boards Respective State Boards Curriculum Students.
All students selected to SSCANS have to produce a medical fitness certificate which will be validates by the Symbiosis Center for Health Care (SCHC). Please submit the following Medical Certificate Click here